Can God Heal a Narcissist? Exploring What the Bible Says


Can God Truly Heal a Narcissist?

Narcissism is often considered one of the most difficult psychological disorders to treat. Countless experts, books, and online resources will tell you that narcissists are nearly impossible to heal. They tend to resist therapy, blame others for their issues, and rarely admit they need help. But what about spiritual healing? Can God heal a narcissist? The short answer is yes—nothing is impossible for God. However, there are deeper considerations to understand when it comes to the heart and behavior of a narcissist.
In this article, we will explore whether God can heal a narcissist by looking at biblical teachings and examples. We’ll dive into why narcissists seem so resistant to change, how their pride acts as a barrier, and what it takes for them to humble themselves before God. Let’s begin by understanding why healing narcissism is such a challenge.

Why Is Narcissism So Hard to Heal?

One of the main reasons why narcissism is so difficult to treat lies in the mindset of the narcissist. At the core of their behavior is deep pride and arrogance. Narcissists rarely believe they are the problem. They tend to think that everyone around them is at fault, while they are blameless. This makes it extremely difficult for them to seek help or acknowledge their issues.
Even Jesus touched on this principle when he said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” (Luke 5:31). A narcissist doesn’t recognize their sickness. They view themselves as superior to others and believe they are the only ones who can truly see the world clearly. This blindness is a significant obstacle in their journey toward healing.

The Role of Pride in Narcissism

Pride is often at the center of narcissism. It is the wall that narcissists build to protect themselves from acknowledging their flaws. The Bible repeatedly warns about the dangers of pride, which is seen as the root of many sins. Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” For a narcissist, this pride is not just a personality trait—it’s a shield that blocks them from healing.
The issue with pride is that it prevents the narcissist from humbling themselves before God. The Bible makes it clear that humility is a key to receiving God’s grace and healing. James 4:6 says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” For God to heal a narcissist, that pride must be broken, and the person must become humble enough to seek God’s help.

Examples of Narcissism in the Bible

The Bible offers several examples of individuals who exhibited narcissistic behavior. Two of the most notable figures are King Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh, both of whom displayed extreme pride and arrogance.

King Nebuchadnezzar’s Journey

King Nebuchadnezzar is one of the clearest examples of a narcissist in the Bible. He was the ruler of Babylon and viewed himself as almost god-like. He famously declared, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?” (Daniel 4:30). His arrogance knew no bounds, and he refused to acknowledge God as the true authority.
Because of this, God humbled Nebuchadnezzar in a dramatic way. He was driven from his kingdom and lived like a wild animal for seven years until he finally acknowledged God’s supremacy. Only then did his sanity return, and his kingdom was restored to him. This story shows that even the most prideful individuals can be humbled by God. Nebuchadnezzar’s experience serves as a powerful example that healing is possible, but it often requires divine intervention and a willingness to submit to God’s authority.

Pharaoh’s Hardened Heart

In contrast to Nebuchadnezzar, Pharaoh’s story illustrates the other side of the coin. Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, also displayed narcissistic tendencies. He saw himself as a god and refused to let the Israelites go, even when faced with God’s plagues. Despite the devastation brought upon his country, Pharaoh’s heart remained hardened.
God gave Pharaoh multiple chances to humble himself, but he consistently resisted. In the end, Pharaoh’s pride led to his downfall. His refusal to change resulted in the destruction of his army and his own death in the Red Sea (Exodus 14:28). Pharaoh’s story is a sobering reminder that not all narcissists will be healed. Some may continue to resist God’s call to repentance and remain trapped in their pride.

God’s Role in Healing Narcissists

While it is clear that God has the power to heal anyone, including narcissists, the healing process requires more than just divine intervention. Narcissists must be willing to acknowledge their need for healing and submit to God’s authority. This can only happen when their pride is broken.
For some, like Nebuchadnezzar, this breakthrough comes through a dramatic and humbling experience. For others, like Pharaoh, their hardened hearts may never allow them to seek repentance. God respects free will and will not force healing on someone who does not desire it. The narcissist must reach a point where they recognize their need for God’s help.

Humility as the Key to Healing

The Bible teaches that humility is essential for receiving God’s grace. Narcissists, with their inflated sense of self, struggle to humble themselves. However, there are instances where God intervenes in powerful ways to bring about humility. These interventions can take various forms, such as personal crises, loss, or even mental and emotional breakdowns.
For a narcissist to be healed, they must “fall on the rock” of God’s truth, as described in Matthew 21:44. They need to voluntarily surrender their pride and admit their brokenness. Only then can God’s healing grace penetrate the layers of defense they’ve built around themselves.

Conclusion: Can Narcissists Be Healed?

The question of whether God can heal a narcissist comes down to this: God can heal anyone, but the person must be willing to receive that healing. For narcissists, this often means confronting their pride and admitting their need for help. While some, like King Nebuchadnezzar, are humbled and changed, others, like Pharaoh, may resist until the very end.
Ultimately, it is not a question of whether God is capable of healing but whether the narcissist is willing to let go of their pride and seek God’s help. If you know a narcissist or are dealing with one, remember that healing is possible, but it may require time, space, and divine intervention. In the meantime, focusing on your own healing and growth is the best path forward.
To learn more about healing from narcissistic abuse, watch my video here: Can God Heal a Narcissist?.